eClusters are curated collections that collate in-depth analyses from a wide variety of publications. They allow researchers to delve deep into a topic with carefully selected collections of eBooks, eJournals, eReports, eTheses and other content types to facilitate efficient and accurate research in a specific subject-area or discipline.
Islamic Finance HubDue to high demand for Al Manhal’s Islamic Finance journals, we have created a new specialized database of content comprised of books, journal articles, standards, conference proceedings, white papers and reports on Islamic Finance and banking. The collection provides policy institutes, economic think tanks, government regulators, banks, law firms and academic institutions with critical research and analysis of the latest trends and applications of Shari’a compliant Finance, economics, banking, and law. Subject areas:
Middle East Strategic Studies Online (MESSO) is the most comprehensive source for research, intelligence and analysis in Middle East affairs. The database includes a wide range of publications from 2007 onward that includes working papers, research reports, essays, policy briefs, newspaper articles, case studies and conference proceedings from the leading think tanks and research institutes across the Middle East.
MESSO is a vital tool for any practitioner or researcher of Middle Eastern affairs. It focuses on political, economic, social and security issues across the region. The growing list of over 6,000 publications provides coverage of: