Al Manhal Book Ordering Platform

Al Manhal Print Books Now Available- The Most Efficient Way for Institutions & Libraries to Upgrade and Add Value to Their Print Book Collection

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With a network of over 400 renowned publishers from the Arab world, we bring to you the renewed convenience of browsing book titles and ordering print books directly from us, your trusted partner!

Why Al Manhal Print Books?

  • Choose from vast subject areas including more than 25 key disciplines
  • A selection of over 90,000 Arabic book titles
  • Purchase print books on demand with ease and at your fingertips
  • Bookshelf Ready Service – Marc21 records with books uploaded into the library catalogue, RFID tags, including call number stickers and classification numbers.
  • Customized service – Don't see a title? Provide your wish list, and we will source and dispatch at your convenience

Order in 5 simple steps!

  1. Sign up
  2. Search for a title, publisher, author, ISBN that you are interested in
  3. Add the books of your interest
  4. Go to my title list at the top and adjust the quantity of books you would like
  5. Finally, "Export list to Excel" and email us at